Pollution from storm water runoff is the biggest threat to clean water in urban streams. Storm drains get clogged with debris, litter, leaves and grass clippings and all of that pollutes our Haw Creek watershed, which affects our everyday water quality.
Before the next heavy rain comes down, take a look at the closest storm drain in your neighborhood and think about adopting it! Checking the drain in between rain events and keeping it clear of litter and debris will help improve water quality and prevent street flooding.
Renee Fortner, Watershed Resources Manager at RiverLink, shared details on the recent addition of Haw Creek to the city-wide Adopt-A-Storm Drain program at an event hosted by the Haw Creek Community Association on October 20, 2022. Her presentation is available here.
Please contact sandra@riverlink.org or waterresources@riverlink.org to get more information about adopting your own storm drain and helping protect our local watershed.