Kevin Jackson, the buyer of the 26 acre parcel at 767 New Haw Creek Road, previewed his plan for the development of the property at HCCA’s Community Meeting on November 14. Following is a summary of our notes from his presentation.

~ Kevin Jackson is the developer. He is an Asheville native and part of a family of builders and real estate developers, now in its fifth generation.
~ He plans to build 90 to 95 homes, a mix of single family homes and townhomes. The bulk of the houses will be single family homes located on the larger tract of land that backs up to Alpine Way, on approximately 8,000 square foot lots. There are no plans for section 8 housing.
~ The townhomes will be located on the smaller tract of land on the west side of New Haw Creek Road.
~ There will be one entrance into the development located near Bullman field off New Haw Creek Road. There is no plan to connect to any other existing streets.
~ The City’s Department of Transportation will determine if a traffic study is required.
~ The developer is considering creating a greenway along Haw Creek in the floodplain that could connect to Bullman field. Appropriate erosion and storm water management will be undertaken to protect the creek.
~ There will be drainage ponds on the property to help with runoff.
~ The plan is to save mature trees along the perimeter of the property to create a landscape buffer as requested by the City. Details on how large the buffer will be, maybe 20 feet, have yet to be determined.
~ Most of the forested area would be removed. New trees will be planted to meet City tree canopy regulations.
~ It will take about six months to complete the approval process.
~ It will take about a year to demolish the existing structures, clear the land, and put in infrastructure.
~ Building the houses will be completed in phases. He did not show any preliminary plans for how the neighborhood would be laid out or what the houses would look like.
~ The City requires the developer to host a public meeting with surrounding residents to discuss the plan. There is a sign posted at the Happy Valley entrance announcing a "Neighborhood Meeting" to be held on November 28, 5:00 - 6:00 pm, via Zoom.

Use this link to join the Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 882 7917 9995
Passcode: 605756
The Haw Creek Community Association has submitted a request to the City's Planning and Urban Design Department for the developer to hold an in-person public information meeting as we believe a project of this scale and magnitude—subdivision of a landmark 26-acre property—requires more public review than a one hour Zoom meeting. As we learn new information we will post it here.
For additional background, see previous news post Landmark Property Under Contract for Sale 8/29/2023, and the feature article in the Winter 2023 Newsletter 2/21/2023.